Who are we?

LCM Labour Ltd is a unique employment business which specialises in working with partner recruitment agencies to provide a full range of HMRC, legislation and regulation compliant support services, from paying wages, providing workers with a range of benefits and support together with offering worker welfare advice.

Who is the employer?

When working with partner agencies, LCM Labour Ltd is the worker’s employer. Workers are engaged on a Contract for Services with LCM Labour Ltd which then sub-contract its workers to you, the partner agency (a 2nd Tier supply sub-contract arrangement). The partner agency provides a work-finding service to LCM Labour workers on its behalf.

Our goal is to keep our clients ahead of the competition by enhancing GLAA operators’ employment experiences in terms of compliance, engagement, and retention.

Vision & Values

LCM Labour Ltd strives to improve workers’ experience to accelerate the growth and performance of UK companies and recruitment agencies involved in the GLAA sector.

LCM Labour Ltd operates on the basis of five fundamental principles:



LCM Labour Ltd specialises in working with GLAA sector partner agencies.

As a GLAA licence holder, LCM Labour Ltd upholds the highest standards of compliance, and is fully committed to the values and aims of the GLAA to eradicate labour abuse and to bring fairness and welfare support to the GLAA workforce.

Our Compliance Manager is a former GLAA Inspector, with 18 years’ experience.

Our GLAA Licence unique reference number is URN: LCML0002.

Is LCM Labour simply a Payroll/Umbrella company?

No, absolutely not!

  • We go above and beyond and have a physical presence with our workforce.
  • All of our workers are PAYE at source.
  • There are no charges to our workers under any circumstances.
  • We are fully transparent with workers at the outset and expect our partner agencies to ensure workers are fully aware that LCM Labour Ltd is their employer.
  • As the employer, LCM Labour Ltd maintains due diligence over the entire supply chain and is responsible for reporting to HMRC.

Find out more about LCM Labour Ltd and our services for partner agencies in our FAQ section.