Health & Safety Policy

1.Statement of General Policy

LCM LABOUR LIMITED (the “Company”) fully accepts the obligations placed upon it by the various Acts of Parliament covering health and safety. The Company requires its Director to ensure that the following policy is implemented and compliant with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (the “Act”), and to report annually on its effectiveness.

2.Management Organisation and Amendments

This policy has been prepared and published under the requirements of Health & Safety at Work legislation. The purpose of the policy is to establish general standards for health and safety at work and to distribute responsibility within the company.

3.Management Responsibilities


The Director has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Company’s policy. In particular she is responsible for ensuring that the policy is widely communicated and that its effectiveness is monitored.

Compliance Manager

This policy shall be reviewed by the Compliance Manager annually or sooner if there are significant changes in legislation, operations, or identified risks.

The Compliance Manager is accountable to the Director for the implementation and monitoring of the policy within the area of their specified responsibility.

Safety Officer

The Safety Officer (who can be the Compliance Manager) is a nominated manager responsible for co-ordinating effective health and safety policies and controls across the organisation.

The Safety Officer is responsible for:

  • the production and maintenance of the Company's policy and ensuring that Company Guidelines are consistent with policy;
  • its application;
  • monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the policy;
  • the provision of general advice about the implication of the law;
  • the identification of health and safety training needs. The safety officer also acts on behalf of the Director, as the Company's formal link with the Health and Safety Executive, Environment Health Departments and other external agencies;
  • the production and maintenance of any health and safety documents or codes of practice as necessary for any relevant area of the Company services where this is required.

4.Health and Safety Management Process

LCM LABOUR LIMITED believes that consideration of the health, safety and welfare of employees and workers is an integral part of the management process. The provision of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, associated Codes of Practice and other relevant Directives will be adopted as required standards within the Company. Responsibility for health and safety matters shall be explicitly stated in management job descriptions.

The Company requires managers to approach health and safety in a systematic way, by identifying hazards and problems, planning improvements, taking executive action and monitoring results so that the majority of health and safety needs will be managed as part of day-to-day operations, although many health and safety problems can be rectified at little additional cost.

5.Health, Safety and Welfare Guidelines

It shall be the responsibility of the Director or Compliance Manager to bring to the attention of all members of employees and workers, the provisions of the guidelines, and to consult with appropriate Health and Safety Representatives of partner agencies and end clients about the updating of these guidelines.

6.Identification of Health and Safety Hazards – Annual Audit and Regular Risk Assessments

It is the policy of LCM LABOUR LIMITED for each partner agency to undertake a review of end clients risk assessments at least annually. Such assessment of risks will be reviewed by an audit of the partner agency on an annual basis.

The responsibility for ensuring that audit activity is carried out as part of this policy rests with the Director and will be carried out by a designated Lead Auditor.

It is the management's responsibility to ensure that any deficiencies highlighted in the Audit are dealt with as speedily as possible.

7.Reports to the Health and Safety Executive

The responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (RIDDOR) to the Health and Safety Executive, shall rest with the Director, the Partner agencies or as delegated to the Compliance Manager.

8.Lifting and Handling

Our Partner Agencies are responsible for informing workers of safe lifting techniques which will be provided during induction to any worker who requires it

9.Control of Working Time

The Company is committed to the principles of the Working Time Regulations. No member of staff is expected to work more than 48 hours per week (including overtime) unless there are exceptional circumstances. Similarly, all other requirements of the regulations e.g. in relation to breaks, night workers etc. will be complied with.

10.Health and Safety and the Individual Employee

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires each employee 'to take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by their acts and omissions' and co-operate with management to enable management to carry out their responsibilities under the Act. Employees and workers have equal responsibility with the Company for Health and Safety at Work.

The refusal of any employee or worker to meet their obligations will be regarded as a matter to be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure. In normal circumstances counselling of the employee or worker should be sufficient. With a continuing problem, or where an employee or worker leaves themselves or other employees and workers open to risk or injury, it may be necessary to implement the formal stages of the Disciplinary Procedure.

11.Incident Reporting and Investigation

All employees, workers, and contractors must report any accidents, incidents, or near-misses immediately to the Director, Compliance Manager or Safety Officer. The Company will maintain a centralised incident log and ensure that all reported incidents are investigated promptly to identify root causes and implement corrective actions. A summary of incidents and actions taken will be reviewed at the annual Health and Safety Audit.

12.Working on end client premises

Temporary workers working at end client sites are expected to follow Company Health and Safety Policies their own personal safety and their method of work.

Company shall ensure that end clients provide a safe working environment for temporary workers through site inspections or regular communication.

Last Updated: 11/2024