Whistleblowing Policy


LCM LABOUR LIMITED takes protecting its employees, workers, clients and stakeholders very seriously, and aims to conduct its business with the highest standards of integrity and transparency at all times. However, like any organisation, there are occasions where we face the risk of things going wrong, or we are unaware of improper practices taking place.

Our Business Ethics Policy makes clear that as a business, wherever we operate, we will always abide by the law.

Scope of Policy

This policy provides the basis on which to raise any concerns regarding information relating to malpractice, health and safety issues, unethical or criminal practice including Modern Slavery and failure to comply with national legal standards.

All concerns will be taken seriously, investigated appropriately and treated confidentially.

What should I report?

  1. Although this list is not exhaustive, examples of situations in which it might be appropriate to raise a concern are as follows:
  2. Reporting irregularities such as serious breaches with regard to wages and work hours.
  3. Any health and safety concerns especially if harmful or dangerous to a person or persons.
  4. Unacceptable work or living environments such as no heating, poor sanitation and housekeeping and no or poor building maintenance.
  5. Unacceptable and dishonest work practices such as the use of unapproved subcontractors.
  6. Racial, sexual, disability or other discrimination.
  7. Evidence of bribery.
  8. Any violation of the Company Modern Slavery policy or Business Ethics Policy


All concerns will be treated in confidence and if you ask that your identity is protected it will not be disclosed without your consent. All such disclosures will be treated in a confidential and sensitive manner.

Procedure for making a disclosure

Please contact our main office to seek advice or report concerns at 277 Roundhay Road, Leeds, England, LS8 4HS or you can send your disclosure to our Legal Compliance Department at legal@lcmlabour.co.uk.

You can also raise any concerns anonymously through the LCM Rewards App.

Once a concern has been raised our Compliance Manager will make preliminary enquiries and decide if further investigation is needed.

If further investigation is needed, we will, where possible advise and feedback any outcomes.

Anyone who does report their concerns in good faith will not suffer detrimental treatment in anyway regardless of outcome or if that person has been mistaken.

Alternatively, you may wish to contact ACAS who are an independent body:

Acas helpline – 0300 123 1100 (Monday to Friday 8am-6pm).